SITA - Smart IT As
SITA stands for Smart IT As
Here you will find, what does SITA stand for in IT under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Smart IT As? Smart IT As can be abbreviated as SITA What does SITA stand for? SITA stands for Smart IT As. What does Smart IT As mean?Smart IT As is an expansion of SITA
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Alternative definitions of SITA
- Société International de Télécommunications Aeronautiques
- Sindicato Independiente del Transporte Aéreo
- Step IT Academy
- Saudi International Travel Agency
- Sun Integrated Technologies and Applications
- Stratus IT Australia
- Strut IT Afrika
View 21 other definitions of SITA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SHCM Silver Heights Capital Management
- SWM Sustainability West Midlands
- SPAL Seidman Private Advisors LLC
- SPHS South Plantation High School
- SBAT Small Business Accounting and Tax
- SBS Saint Bernard School
- SAPSSIUPA State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations Under the President of Azerbaijan
- SOS Square One Studio
- SOSMG SOS Medical Group
- SPI Sice Packing Image
- SBHR Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort
- SADA Spade and Archer Design Agency
- SCP Sweetwater Capital Partners
- SBS Small Business Solutions
- SMM Suzuki Mini Motors
- SAGITS SAG IT Solutions
- SASA Stafford Area Soccer Association
- SN School of Net
- SBI Sierra h Broadcasting Inc.
- SI The Sustainability Institute